Suraiya Farhana Reshma of Shajahanpur in Bogura district got married at the age of 14. She was eighth grader back then. Her marriage was not a happy one. Her husband was a drug addict and gambler. After living with him for four years, Reshma returned to her mother and started agricultural ventures on land inherited from her mother and grandmother. Upon completing a training in 2014, she started dealing in vermicompost. She said, “I couldn’t maintain records of my transactions. The officials of the Department of Youth Development and GUK (a local NGO) taught me how to keep books.”
Currently, there are 200 concrete rings used for processing earthworms, a key ingredient of vermicompost, at her farm. There are another 200 fruit baskets she uses for this. In addition, she received a fresh grant from the RMTP (Rural Microenterprise Transformation) project funded by PKSF and IFAD for purchasing necessary machines and started making trico-compost.

Currently, she is producing about 30 tonnes of vermicompost every month. This fertilizer is sold wholesale at BDT 10 per kg from home and at BDT 15 per kg online via her facebook page named Reshma Krishi Udyog. There are 25 cows in her farm. Six cows give 35 kg of milk per day. She sells milk at BDT 50 per kg. There are 15 goats, 120 ducks, and more than 200 native chickens, pigeons in her farm where she also farms fish and cultivates paddy and safe vegetables. The total amount of her land including the house is six bighas (about 2 acres).
Reshma net profit per annum stands at around BDT 40 lakhs, excluding all expenses. Her current capital is over BDT 1 crore. Reshma has provided employment to 16 women at her farm. She has inspired about two dozen women around to become entrepreneurs, creating self-employment opportunities. Reshma received the ‘National Youth Award-2022’ from the Department of Youth Development, Ministry of Youth and Sports in recognition of her achievements.