Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) is being implemented by PKSF with the joint financing of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and DANIDA. The project is working to extend the financial services of microenterprises as well as to improve the income, food security, and nutrition status of small and marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, and other market actors involved in the value chains of selected high-value agricultural products.
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The RMTP project is providing financial and technical assistance, access to safe inputs and services, technology transfer, mechanization of farms and processing
plants, production of processed goods, certification of products, and marketing of agricultural, fisheries, and livestock products to the project participants through
selective partners organization.
List of Implementing Partners
The project is led by the Project Coordinator Dr. Akond Md. Rafiqul Islam, Senior General Manager (Program), PKSF. Also, the Managing Director of PKSF and the Additional Managing Director of PKSF are supporting the PC for the smooth operation of this project.
The project is enabling 5,50,000 microenterprises to expand their activities sustainably through the adoption of efficient production methods, compliance with internationally recognized food safety and traceability standards, and strong market linkages. It also contributes to creating an enabling environment that promotes the growth of micro and small enterprises and strengthens their linkages with agribusinesses and other value chain actors. Additionally, nutrition, gender and youth, and environmental issues will be addressed through the value chain activities, which fall into three broad categories.
LivestockCrops and HorticultureFisheries and Aquaculture
This component is providing sustainable financial services to micro-entrepreneurs and growing/larger enterprises and agribusinesses allowing sustainable growth of their practices. The project also leverages commercial finance through non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) for investment in growing/larger enterprises and agribusinesses to expand the market for the output of micro-enterprises.
This component aims to strengthen PKSF and PO capability as development organisations by leveraging trends in ICT, financial services, commercial platforms and new technologies, and to ensure that the project is managed satisfactorily. It has three subcomponents: (i) PKSF capacity building; (ii) POs capacity building; and (iii) project management.
RMTP Project publications like photos, videos, stories, blogs, reports, and newsletter showcase the branding image of PKSF, IFAD, DANIDA, and POs through the different interventions to the Government, stakeholders, supporters, and project participants.
Our News center is a one-stop shop for regular project updates, multimedia press coverage, and in-depth information on development-related issues. We provide news announcements, press releases, project updates, and statements by the PKSF leadership and project management unit.
News Corner
Our training module corner is a one-stop shop for digital training modules, training videos, and training-related documents. RMTP project will provide training-related documents, and others information for the project participants and POs.
Training Modules
Our Multimedia Corner is a one-stop shop for multimedia publication, i.e. info graphs, videos, and presentations.
Project Management Unit (PMU) Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) Palli-Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) PKSF Bhaban, E-4/B, Agargaon Administrative Area Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 Email us: Tel: 02222218331-33, 02222218335-39