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Sprinkler irrigation revolutionises fruit farming in Tangail

Humayun Kabir from Tangail’s Ghatail upazila runs a 51-acre agricultural farm with pineapple and G-9 bananas cultivated on several acres. Inspired by a local farmer’s use of modern sprinkler technology, he installed it on his farm recently for Tk1.20 lakh.

“Sprinkler irrigation has clear benefits compared to traditional methods. The installation cost will be offset by the system’s lower electricity consumption and improved yields,” he told.

By adopting sprinkler irrigation, Tangail’s fruit farmers like Humayun are revolutionising the cultivation of dragon fruit, pineapples, and bananas.

Farmers and agriculture officials said some are now considering this method for growing other fruits due to its ability to drastically reduce costs, as well as save water and irrigation time.

A sprinkler irrigation device sprays water over crops, mimicking rainfall. It distributes water evenly across fields, helping plants grow while conserving water.

Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) officials, citing research, said sprinkler or drip irrigation cuts electricity bills by 75%, reduces water wastage by 80%, and lowers labour costs. Irrigation that took four days previously can be done in just 24 hours.

According to farmers, manual irrigation of a one-bigha dragon fruit orchard typically consumes electricity costing Tk7,000-Tk12,000 annually.

In comparison, sprinkler irrigation reduces the cost to Tk4,000-Tk7,000, while drip irrigation lowers it further to Tk 2,000-Tk 3,000.

A drip irrigation device delivers water directly to the roots of plants through a network of tubes and emitters.

Manual irrigation requires around 60 lakh litres of water per bigha. In contrast, according to farmers’ accounts, sprinkler irrigation uses 36 lakh litres, and drip irrigation significantly reduces it to 18 lakh litres.

Society for Social Service (SSS), a private organisation, has introduced this technology to farmers in Tangail.

The Agricultural Extension Department also recognised it as a timely integration. Kabir Hossain, deputy director of Tangail Agricultural Extension Department, told, “This is excellent for commercial gardeners. These methods have long been used in developed countries, and based on our climate, they need to be further integrated into agriculture.”

Alek Sikdar from Tangail’s Ghatail upazila cultivated dragon fruits on 13 acres of land, benefiting greatly from sprinkler technology. He said, “This irrigation method keeps the plants and fruits refreshed. There is no doubt the sprinkler system introduced by SSS is a farmer-friendly technology.”

Abdul Hamid Bhuiyan, executive director of the SSS, said, “Tangail is a major hub for fruit production. We aim to foster the growth of improved, safe crops using modern agricultural systems that conserve water and reduce costs.”

According to the district Agricultural Extension Department, around 19,000 hectares of land in Tangail are used to cultivate fruits like mango, jackfruit, and pineapple. Groundwater is also required for these crops. With many farmers in Madhupur and Ghatail upazilas now adopting water-efficient modern irrigation systems, groundwater will be conserved to some extent.

Farmers said previously they used pipes to water the farmland, but this method didn’t effectively reach the tree leaves.

“With the installation of the sprinklers, all the plants in the garden receive even watering. This has lowered costs and increased yield. In the future, I plan to use the sprinkler system for irrigating other crops as well,” said Md Abdur Rashid from Ghatail.

Agricultural scientists said adverse weather conditions are reducing fruit nutrition and flavour. However, if plants receive water through a sprinkler or a drip irrigation system, along with necessary nutrients, the fruit will be both nutritious and tasty.

In response, a sub-project is being carried out under the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) to extend and market high-value fruit varieties.

Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development, PKSF, and Denmark’s Danida, the project aims to improve incomes by providing quality services, materials, technology, and market access, thereby boosting productivity.

PKSF Managing Director Nomita Halder told TBS, “This project is enhancing the income of ordinary people by offering quality services, ensuring market linkages for products, and increasing productivity.”

The initiative is active in 12 districts, including Tangail, Naogaon, Dinajpur, Khagrachari, Chattogram, and Mymensingh, with at least 58,000 farmers adopting modern technology.

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Mozzarella cheese woman of Thakurgoan who works wonders

Cheese production thrives in colder climates making Thakurgaon an ideal location

Life threw an unexpected curveball at Nagina Najnin Banu in 2010. That year, she had to leave her comfortable job and take the business of cheese-making her father had pioneered in Thakurgaon.

In its first year, Najnin’s Eminent Agro Industries Limited yielded Tk9 lakh in revenue mostly from making mozzarella cheese, the special cheese used in premium pizzas. Mozzarella is a semi-soft non-aged cheese from southern Italy. It is prepared with cow milk or buffalo milk, of mild flavour, slightly sweet in taste and stretchy in texture.

Najnin’s father Humayun Reza died in 2017, but she was fortunate that her father had started off a successful cheese production industry in Thakurgaon. And not just Najnin, many others, including women, have since become successful cheese producers in the district. There are 33 cheese factories in this northern district that are mostly agrarian – seven of them operated by women entrepreneurs.

Najnin proudly mentions her company has received the ISO certification – a recognition by an international standard setting organisation adding credibility to a product or service that meets the customer expectations. She recalls how lucky she was to have attracted skilled workers when she started the factory, as many others were closing down in Thakurgaon.

Initially, her factory required 1,500 litres of milk daily and began supplying 500kg of mozzarella cheese per month to a local pizza shop. Later, she secured a deal with a foreign company, which now demands 6,000kg of mozzarella cheese every month, shipping it all the way to Michigan, USA. Najnin also supplies cheese to Pizza Inn with dedicated marketing offices in Dhaka.

Reflecting on their cheese production, she says there is a growing demand for mozzarella, cheddar, and feta cheese, especially in recent years, despite fluctuations due to the pandemic. With upgraded technology, her factory can now process 22 tonnes of milk daily.

Najnin borrowed Tk25 lakh from her mother to start. Her capital has since grown to over Tk60 lakh. The factory sits on a five-decimal parcel of land and she has ambitious plans for further expansion to 42 decimals of land for large-scale production in the near future.

How Thakurgaon became a cheese hub

Humayun Reza, Najnin’s father, worked for an NGO in the 1980s, assisting dairy farmers in Thakurgaon. Seeing that farmers were not receiving fair prices for their milk, he hit on the idea of processing milk into cheese. In 1988, he set up his own NGO called Humanitarian Agency for Development Services, HADS for short, in Thakurgaon, primarily focusing on agriculture, including cattle rearing.  But Reza remained committed to his cheese-making vision. 

He brought two consultants from Denmark to teach locals how to make cheese. With their assistance, the first mozzarella cheese formula suitable for Bangladeshi climate was developed between 1996 and 1998. After publishing an ad  on his locally made cheese, he sold 50kg of mozzarella cheese for the first time under the HADS banner at Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka. This marked the beginning of cheese production in Thakurgaon, and soon, businesses like Westin and Radisson began sourcing cheese from the region. 

His time with international NGOs helped Reza gain access to top hotel owners across the country and he had the opportunity to supply his HADS brand mozzarella and other varieties of cheese to various renowned venues including Canadian Club and British Club. When Reza found it difficult to get loans for his business, as an NGO, Reza established Eminent Agro Limited in 2003. Support from the Canadian ambassador and expertise from an American allowed for further development of cheese technology, and it improved the cheese’s quality. Later, a foreign experts arrived to train local women in cheese production. As a result, more people took up cheese-making and the business expanded across the district. 

Currently, seven cheese makers facilities in the area have acquired ISO certification with another 13 in progress. Producers say 350 workers are directly engaged in cheese production and 90% of them are women. The district now produces over 4,200kg of cheese daily, along with 250kg of ghee and 2,500kg of whey. 

What makes Thakurgaon cheese so good

Cheese production thrives in colder climates, making Thakurgaon, a northern district closer to the Himalayas an ideal location. Cheese makers there focus on quality and think the milk sourced from farmers is the reason for high quality cheese. Workers in all the cheese factories in Thakurgaon wear clean white clothes. The factory floors are maintained clean at all times. Entry is restricted to workers only. The cheese is stored in a deep freezer until it is ready for sale.

Long time worker Beauty Akter at Eminent Agro praises the excellent working environment at the factory. She has to clean her hands after making cheese and the factory area is regularly sprayed with vinegar. Beauty says that spending most of her day in a clean environment has also impressed her family who now also keep the home clean.

Nurul Haque, deputy general manager of Thakurgaon Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation, says the cheese industry in the district is growing steadily. Last year there were 26 factories in the district and now there are 33. 

“We are providing loans from the government to four institutions. Others have applied for loans. We are working on their development. However, the role of local and foreign development organisations is more in this industrial development,” he added.

Masuma gains fame

Masuma Khanam, a housewife from Nischintapur area of Thakurgaon, has become one of the district’s successful cheese entrepreneurs. 

When her husband fell ill in 1982 and could no longer work, Masuma moved to Thakurgaon town with their children. Over the years, she ventured into various businesses with her husband, and in 2012, following her eldest son’s suggestion, she established a cheese factory in a closed-down facility in Nischintapur.

Masuma’s factory started with just 27 litres of milk but now processes around 2,500 litres of milk daily, catering to increasing demand in Dhaka. The factory generates an income of Tk1.80 lakh per month, employing 13 women and two men. 

Encouraged by her success, Masuma’s children have also entered the cheese-making business, setting up factories in Pabna, Bogura, and Thakurgaon, with ISO certification and diversified product lines.

Masuma, who owns multiple plots in Thakurgaon town, is passionate about empowering women in North Bengal and aims to continue working with them.

Her dedication was recognised in 2017 when she received the “Best Small Entrepreneur” award from the Citi Foundation. Additionally, her ISO-certified organisation has received grants from both government and private sectors.

From worker to owner

Rashida Khanam, the owner of Mumtaz Food, is on a remarkable journey from being a worker in a cheese factory to becoming an entrepreneur herself. 

She recalls, “I was just an ordinary housewife struggling to make ends meet for my two children. In 2015, I was having a hard time with money and I decided to learn the trade and started my own factory at home. Now, with the help of eight to ten women workers, I run my factory.”

Despite her challenges, Rashida is determined to provide for her family. Her husband, now overseeing the business as a contractor, supports her efforts. 

Additionally, Rashida has expanded her business by venturing into ice cream production, ensuring no wastage of milk. She reflects proudly, “I can now use all parts of the milk productively.”

Chandana Rani's goat milk cheese

In 2017, following her husband’s advice, Chandana Rani established a goat farm in Dholarhat, Thakurgaon Sadar. Initially, she was simply caring for goats, but after attending private training sessions, she recognised the potential of goat milk and its market value. 

With a herd of 103 goats, she now produces 10 to 15 litres of milk per day, which she supplies to Cheese Land, a cheese production factory. The market price of goat milk is now Tk100 per kg. Meanwhile, Jahangir Alam, the owner of Cheese Land, transitioned from his previous role as a marketing officer at Eminent Agro to owning his cheese factory. 

Initially starting with five workers in 2013, he now employs 22 workers. Jahangir says effective marketing is important in the cheese industry. “Despite producing high-quality mozzarella cheese, success hinges on strong marketing efforts targeting big hotels and restaurants.”

Milk supply

As many as 3,865 dairy farmers supply milk to the cheese factories in Thakurgaon. There are also 70 milkmen in the area who supply milk directly to factories from farmers. Dairy farmer Mahfuza says, “Earlier we used to breed local cows. We used to feed the cows as we always used to do. But now I don’t do anything without the doctor’s advice. Due to this, safe milk is available. We now supply milk to cheese factories through milkmen.”

Another farmer, Gulshan Ara takes care of three cows at home. She says, “We are doing well because of the demand for milk in the cheese factory. No need to go to the market to sell milk. There is no more worry about the education of my children.”

There are milk collection points in the cow farming areas of the district. From there the milkmen collect milk at certain times. A profit of Tk1 is paid per kg of milk delivered to the cheese factory. Milkman Kalipad Sarkar says, “We have benefited a lot due to the cheese factories in the district. Now there is no tension about selling milk. No matter the storm, the rain, our income does not suffer. Our safe income is here.”

Meanwhile, a factory called Pure Agro has been established in Thakurgaon to produce maize silage, recommended as an excellent feed option.  

Golam Sarwar Robin, the company’s owner, says their company produced 12,000 tonnes of silage last year, which is purchased by farmers across the country. Silage is highly beneficial for cows and can be stored for several years.

Abul Kalam Azad, the district’s livestock officer, says the district has two lakh cows spurred by the huge demand for milk. This demand has surged due to the increasing number of cheese factories, resulting in fair prices for farmers and attracting new entrepreneurs to the industry.

Potential of Thakurgaon cheese

Reliable information regarding the cheese industry was not available in any government office in the district. However, the Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) has been actively supporting cheese industry entrepreneurs in Thakurgaon by providing various assistance, including micro-credit and conducting research.

Md Shahid Uz Zaman, executive director of ESDO, says the demand for milk in the district is at least 50 tonnes per day. The daily demand for mozzarella cheese in the country is 5,000kg to 6,000kg, with Thakurgaon contributing to 75% of the production. Cheese is sold at Tk500 to Tk600 per kg, resulting in annual cheese production in the district exceeding Tk90.72 crore. Samples have already been sent to South Korea for export, and if accepted, Thakurgaon could potentially export 4,000 kg of cheese to South Korea monthly, he adds.

Besides, through initiatives like the PKSF’s (Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation) “Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project”, farmers have been trained to produce pure milk, resulting in high-quality cheese.

Donor organisations such as IFAD, the Danish Government, and the PKSF are providing financial and technical support to farmers through ESDO.

Deputy Managing Director of PKSF, Dr Akond Md Rafiqul Islam, says the project aims to enhance the value chain of agricultural products using technology, with ongoing activities in cheese and other sectors, benefiting stakeholders and aiming for continued success in the future.

News & Events

RMTP supports farmers yield pesticide-free vegetables  

RMTP has completed an extensive pesticide residual test involving 12 different vegetable samples. The primary objective of this test was to assess the presence of potentially harmful pesticide residues in the produce under examination. These tests encompassed vegetables cultivated by the project-supported farmers as well as those collected from farmers excluding of the project.

The results of this investigation have generated optimism, as none of the samples from the project-supported farmers tested positive for any harmful pesticide residues. However, harmful pesticide residues were detected from the vegetables outside the project. The positive aspect of this development is that farmers participating in the safe vegetable production initiative are now higher prices for their crops compared to the past. 

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G-9 Banana production expansion in Bangladesh

RMTP project successfully expanded G-9 banana production by distributing 47,000 G-9 banana seedlings among 235 farmers in Tangail and Mymensingh districts, which is producing on 470 acres of land. In addition to the seedlings, the project has provided comprehensive training, technical knowledge, and safe production methods for cultivating bananas, as well as guidance on effective marketing strategies. Furthermore, the project has established market linkages with potential export organizations, allowing the bananas to be sold not only in local markets but also in the international markets. The farmers who have adopted G-9 banana cultivation have experienced significant profits, doubling their earnings compared to other banana varieties. This success has generated considerable interest among other farmers who now wish to cultivate G-9 bananas. Recognizing this demand, the project has facilitated connections between enthusiastic farmers and G-9 banana seedling suppliers, fostering a sustainable supply chain for future expansion.


Masuma’s Rise as a Successful Entrepreneur in Meat Pickles

Masuma Akhtar, a 27-year-old entrepreneur from Kai Gari, Bogura Sadar, faced financial challenges when her husband lost his job during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help her family, Masuma turned her love for meat pickles into a business, providing employment to 4-5 individuals daily. However, she encountered obstacles due to the high price of beef pickles at BDT 1400 per kg and a lack of proper packaging, resulting in customer hesitation and hindering business growth.

Luckily, Masuma found the “Market Development of Safe Meat and Dairy Products” sub-project under the “Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)” through “Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK).” With the guidance of GUK, she learned about proper packaging and started marketing mini-packed meat pickles. She sourced fresh safe meat from the “Bogura Meat Processing Plant,” which reignited consumer interest and propelled her business to success. The project provided her with essential tools such as deep freezers, gas stoves, cylinders, packaging sealer machines, and wet scale machines. The mini-pack pickles gained popularity both online and offline, with Masuma selling 190 to 200 kg of beef pickles every month, resulting in a monthly profit of BDT 75,000.

In an effort to expand her business, she introduced “Bhuri and Paya” in 1 kg and 500 gm boxes with the support of the project. Masuma’s business not only restored financial stability to her family but also earned her husband’s unwavering support. She plans to further expand the meat-drying business on a larger scale.

Operating under the name ‘RMFoodCorner’ on Facebook, Masuma’s beef pickles have reached 16 countries worldwide. Through her efforts, she has increased family income and established a strong self-identity and social status. Masuma’s journey serves as an inspiration for other women entrepreneurs, highlighting the transformative power of determination and innovation in overcoming adversity.

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Modern cattle farming generates safe meat, demand on the rise

Papia, a housewife of Bahiman village at Ullapara of Sirajganj, has set an example of how one can become self-reliant by supplying beef, processed in a safe way, to the market. She recently sold a cow for Tk3.8 lakh that she had bought at Tk30,000 two and a half years ago. She still has over 30 similar improved-breed cows in her farm. Her journey began seven years ago, when her husband Shaheen,  having  incurred losses in his grocery business, began raising two bulls they had at home.


A training in livestock farming, business management, and cattle rearing from the Department of Youth Development proved a boon for her, leading her to becoming a successful entrepreneur in safe meat.

According to the district livestock office, there are 6.25 lakh cattle available for sacrifice this year in Sirajganj, with a market value of approximately Tk2,500 crore. This is expected to yield farmers a profit of at least Tk500 crore.

With financial support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), and Danish International Development Agency along with the Department of Livestock Services in Sirajganj, non-governmental development organisation National Development Programme (NDP) is implementing the production and marketing of safe meat and milk under Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP).

According to information from the organisation, 28,000 farmers in Pabna and Sirajganj have been trained in safe beef production methods. In these farms, 1.02 lakh cattle have been raised using safe practices.

Project being implemented in 12 districts

Under the project in 12 districts across the country, including Bogura, Thakurgaon, and Bhola, 2 lakh 1 thousand 480 farmers and entrepreneurs are engaged in cattle rearing funded by foreign investments, using safe methods.

Nomita Halder, managing director of PKSF, told TBS that the project is playing a role in expanding businesses and increasing the income of nearly three lakh poor people involved in the livestock sector.

“Safe meat and dairy products produced under the project are already making their mark in domestic and international markets. Successful entrepreneurs are contributing to the national economy by exporting their products (such as meat pickles and cheese) abroad,” she said.

Farmers say that they are currently receiving much more technical, technological, and marketing support than before. They are being introduced to modern veterinary care, which is making the production of safe meat easier, they say.

According to officials, 1,577 livestock service providers have trained 1,41,546 farmers all over the country under the project. In addition to safely raising cattle, the livestock service providers are also utilising cow dung to produce organic fertiliser. Sirajganj is one of the prominent districts involved in the initiative.

Safe beef sales centre draws attention

Mama-Bhagne Agro Safe Meat, a safe beef sales centre, at Shialkol in Sirajganj sadar, has achieved ISO certification. It has gained recognition in the district as well. Even the district livestock officers regularly purchase beef from there. It sells meat at market prices. There is a separate clean and hygienic area for slaughtering cattle there. After halal slaughter, the blood and waste of the cattle are buried under the ground.

Abul Kalam Azad, owner of the meat firm, said since its launch in February, beef from an average of 45 cows is being sold every month in the establishment.

Alauddin Khan, executive director of NDP, said, “Due to safe practices, Bengal Meat has already purchased 2,382 cows from the area. The beef is being supplied to Shwapno outlets as well. We are working to create successful entrepreneurs with various forms of financial assistance, market preparation, and training. And indirectly, thousands of people have found employment opportunities through cattle farming.”

Sirajganj district livestock officer Md Omar Faruque said modern methods have been adopted while establishing the meat sales centre at Shialkol.

“I myself have visited there. Before the cattle are slaughtered, it has its own quarantine arrangements. A veterinarian examines the cattle to see if they are healthy before slaughtering. Healthy cattle are slaughtered using scientific methods. This ensures the nutritional value of the beef remains intact. Overall, it can be said to be safe meat,” he said.

Faruque also said, “We are now working to popularise the method so that more youth get encouraged in the field. Training arrangements are being made for farmers. They are also playing a significant role in controlling animal diseases, especially through vaccination programmes. Safe meat production is increasing. There is also a growing demand in the market. New entrepreneurs are emerging.”

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Bogura’s Tk273cr organic fertiliser production sows seed of ‘agro revolution’

Suraiya Farhana Reshma considers herself part of an “agricultural revolution” sweeping through Bogura, which aims to replace chemical fertilisers with organic alternatives. She now earns Tk2.5 lakh per month producing organic fertilisers on her farm, using earthworms and dung. The venture, which employs 15 people, has transformed her economic situation and turned her into an advocate for environmental preservation.

Her vision and hard work have also earned her several national awards. Starting from a modest background, her net wealth now exceeds Tk2 crore. Promoting the slogan of preserving ecological balance, she has already trained around 700 people to produce organic fertilisers in the district.

“Hundreds of unemployed men and women are turning to organic fertiliser production. Public-private initiatives and assistance have also increased. We plan to create large-scale pesticide-free agricultural areas in the future,” Reshma told TBS.

According to the Department of Agricultural Extension, Bogura, at least 1.83 lakh tonnes of organic fertilisers worth over Tk273 crore are produced in the district annually. The price of one kg of organic fertiliser is around Tk15.

Big companies, including ACI, purchase organic fertilisers from producers in Bogura and sell them under their own brands and packaging. 

NGOs training entrepreneurs

Organic fertiliser entrepreneurs in Bogura and nearby districts also receive training from private organisations, such as Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) under Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP).

This NGO has trained 30 entrepreneurs in producing organic fertilisers commercially. They produce and market at least 1,551 tonnes of compost every month. According to sources, they sell organic fertilisers worth Tk11.6 crore annually, collecting dung from 7,000 local farmers.

The project is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), and Danish International Development Agency. About 22,670 farmers use the fertilisers produced through the project in Bogura alone.

Dr Md Mahbub Alam, senior director of Gram Unnyan Karma, told TBS, “Due to the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, crops or milk and meat are full of poisons. They have long-term adverse effects on our health. For this reason, along with government institutions, we are working with the farmers to produce safe vegetables, fish and meat.”

One of the farmers involved in the project, Zainab Khatun from Sherpur upazila, has cultivated vegetables on one bigha of land using organic fertilisers. She said, “Organic fertilisers are our only way to produce poison-free vegetables. People now want to live in a healthy way.”

Rashedul Islam from the Shialkol area of Sirajganj began producing organic fertilisers after being trained at several government and private organisations. His farm produces at least 50 tonnes of organic fertilisers per month. He plans to increase production to between 150 and 200 tonnes per month next year.

Rashedul Islam further mentioned that entrepreneurs sell their manufactured fertilisers through their own Facebook pages, through big traders, and directly to farmers.

Entrepreneurs say the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) is helping them with training, cash assistance, and setting up machines and compost plants.

Officials at PKSF say that 352 commercial organic fertilisers production factories will be established in the country, with 174 already being in production. These factories are collectively selling about 5,000 tonnes of fertilisers per month and have created employment for hundreds of people.

Dr Nomita Halder, managing director of PKSF, said, “We are working to improve the quality of life by supporting those involved in safe food production. Various materials and technologies are being made available to entrepreneurs for this purpose.”

Farmers preferring organic fertilisers

Farmers in the area are increasingly adopting organic fertilisers because they are cost-effective and provide better yields.

Afzal Hossain, a farmer from Shajahanpur upazila, has been using organic fertilisers for a long time. He said, “Vegetable plants are more vibrant and strong with this fertiliser. The soil condition also remains good. Organic fertilisers cost half as much as chemical fertilisers. The yield is also higher.”

Shubhagat Bagchi, deputy director of Bogura Rural Development Academy, stated that yields increase by 25% to 30% with organic fertilisers compared to chemical ones.

He was involved in research on the impact of organic fertilisers in Bogura, Naogaon, Gaibandha, Jaipurhat, and Sirajganj a few years ago.

“Organic fertilisers are very beneficial for the soil. Our research also shows that once farmers use organic fertilisers, they no longer rely on chemical fertilisers. The trend of using organic fertilisers has increased among farmers,” he said.

Agricultural scientists highlight several benefits of using organic fertilisers, including improved air movement in the soil, better water retention, maintaining the right temperature, and enhanced soil structure.

Dr Rahedul Islam Rahi, associate professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at Pabna University of Science and Technology, said that producing organic fertilisers from cow dung reduces methane production. “Its use improves soil quality, reduces farmers’ production costs, and creates a means of obtaining safe food,” he explained.


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Pearl Harvesting in Pabna

“Pearl cultivation offers significantly higher profitability compared to traditional fish farming. In ponds of the same size, the profit margin from pearl farming is three times that of fish cultivation,” remarked Dr. Akond Md. Rafiqul Islam, Deputy Managing Director of PKSF, during a pearl harvesting ceremony in Pabna.

He made these remarks while attending the pearl harvesting ceremony took place on June 1, 2024, in Pabna, featuring pearls harvested from locally cultivated oysters. The event was attended by Md Abul Kalam Azad, District Fisheries Officer; and Md Shafiqul Alam, Executive Director of the Programme for Community Development (PCD).

The project currently involves 33 farmers in the Pabna district, who have collectively cultivated pearls valued at an impressive BDT 8,250,000. RMTP, implemented by PCD, focuses on the marketing of safe fish and fish products, but the inclusion of pearl farming signifies a strategic expansion into high-value aquaculture.

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IFAD Vice President praises RMTP interventions

Gerardine Mukeshimana, Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), visited Thakurgaon in northern Bangladesh on 1 May 2024 to observe the interventions of the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP), implemented by PKSF. Its Partner Organization (PO) Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) carries out the field-level activities of the project in Thakurgaon.

She was accompanied by PKSF’s Deputy Managing Director Dr Akond Md Rafiqul Islam, IFAD’s Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Reehana Rifat Raza, IFAD’s Country Director for Bangladesh Arnoud Hameleers, Stephanie Micallef who works as Senior Adviser to IFAD’s Vice-President, and officials from IFAD Bangladesh’s country office and PKSF.

During the visit, Mukeshimana explored various initiatives under RMTP, including eco-friendly safe vegetable cultivation, meat and dairy activities, telemedicine services for livestock, silage production and marketing, microenterprise borrower group, seedling nurseries, and vegetable collection center operations. She also talked to the beneficiaries including small-scale farmers, producers, and agribusinesses owners.

“I have seen how IFAD, the Government of Bangladesh and PKSF have worked together to empower small-scale farmers – especially women and youth – to adapt to climate change, increase their incomes, and produce more nutritious food for their communities,” said Gerardine Mukeshimana.

Reflecting on the collaborative efforts between IFAD and Bangladesh, IFAD’s Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Reehana Rifat Raza highlighted the initiatives taken through RMTP to improve rural livelihoods. She underscored the crucial role played by IFAD, DANIDA, and PKSF in providing essential resources such as finance, inputs, training, and market linkages to communities served by RMTP, thereby fostering sustainable development and resilience in the rural areas of Bangladesh.

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Financial institutions division official conducts field visit

To oversee the progress of project implementation, Muhammad Amin Sharif, Senior Assistant Secretary of the Financial Institutions Division, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, visited Chittagong on April 14, 2023, to assess the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project activities. These activities are being implemented by the partner organization YPSA. Mr Sharif expressed his satisfaction with the initiatives, particularly highlighting the commendable efforts in safe cattle rearing and the production of processed milk products such as ghee, curd, buttermilk, and sweets.