Category: News & Events

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News & Events

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Emerges as a Sustainable Live Feed for Fish and Domestic Animals

On January 10, 2024, a workshop was conducted on “Black Soldier Fly Larvae Rearing for Live Feed for Fish and Domestic Animals through Waste Recycling” took place in the conference room of the Department of Fisheries at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU). The main presentation was delivered by Professor Dr. Md. Abdus Salam from the Department of Aquaculture. Dr. A. K. M. Nowsad Alam, the Dean of the Department of Fisheries presided over the workshop, and Ripon Kumar Pal, fisheries officer from Mymensingh district, attended as the chief guest. Dr. M. Ali Reza Faruk, head of the department, also graced the occasion as a special guest. In addition to this, faculty members from the departments of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Economics, and Rural Sociology were present.

In the sharing workshop, study presenter Dr. Md. Abdus Salam, a faculty member of the Aquaculture Department, at Bangladesh Agricultural University said that the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens or BSF) is a species originally from South America. Still, it has become cosmopolitan, thriving in temperate climates across America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Its name is derived from the colour of the adult flies, which are black with metallic reflections. These flies serve as an excellent source of animal protein viz. fish, egg-laying chickens, and poultry. 

When dried, they boast up to 50% high-quality protein. In this context, the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP), with the support of IFAD, DANIDA, and PKSF, conducted a study initiative through its implementing partner organization, Grameen Manobic Unnayan Sangstha (GRAMAUS). I have conducted the study “Establishment of a Suitable Culture Technique for Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and its Suitability for Aquaculture Practices as an Alternative Fish Feed.” The study falls under the sub-project titled ‘Production and Marketing of Safe Fish & Fish Products,’ which has been implemented since July 1, 2022, as part of the broader RMTP initiative.

He also mentioned that the price of fish feed is increasing day by day. But the fish price is not increased in the same pattern. Also, there is a concern about commercial fish feed quality and growth performance. As a result, the fish producers are losing concern, and even they are demotivated for fish cultivation. To overcome the feed-related constraints, RMTP through the sub-project of GRAMAUS is to take endeavors to produce small-scale fish feed at the community level using black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) as a substitute/replacement for fish meal and/or meat & bone meal imported from aboard. But the BSFL culture is a new avenue in Bangladesh, hence it is necessary to conduct a trial work titled “Establishment of a Suitable Culture Technique for Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and its Suitability for Aquaculture Practices as an Alternative Fish Feed.”

Key Discussion Points: In the workshop Professor Salam highlight few key points among the participants and journalist.

Life Cycle of BSF: He also said, a BSF life cycle goes for about 25-26 days depending on the environmental conditions present, including light, temperature, and/or humidity. BSF has five major stages in its life cycle, including egg, larvae, pre-pupae, pupae, and adult. The egg marks the start of the BSF life cycle. An adult female BSF lays 200-700 eggs near an organic waste source in crevices that offer protection to the eggs against predators and direct sunlight, which might result in dehydration. The BSF larvae go through 6 stages from the first instar to the sixth instar (prepupal stage). 

As the larvae grow from the first instar to the last instar stage, they increase in size and weight, as well as change in colour from cream to brown. The growth of the larvae usually takes 10-14 days under optimal conditions, i.e. good abiotic conditions, good quality and quantity feed substrate. prepupa is the last larval stage of the BSF. The colour changes from dark brown to charcoal grey and the larvae’s mouthparts are replaced with a hook-shaped structure.

The growth of the prepupa usually takes 2-3 days under optimal conditions. When the prepupae find a suitable place, it become immobile and stiff forming the pupae. The growth of the pupa usually takes 2-3 days. The life span of the adult BSF is about 5-8 days. The Adult BSF fly has both male and female flies. The flies look similar, but the female flies are usually bigger than the males. 

The sole purpose of the adults is to mate and lay eggs for the continuation of the colony. The adult BSF do not feed but only drink water. Unlike the BSF larvae that have well-developed mouthparts, the adult flies have sponging mouthparts for consuming liquids only.

Challenges of BSF Farming: The presenter highlighted a few challenges in the workshop. He mentioned BSF farming is a novel concept in Bangladesh, but it encounters several challenges. There is a lack of awareness among the people regarding BSF farming, and it is crucial to advocate for its potential benefits to the government. Additionally, the initial setup cost for the BSF production system is high. Ensuring a consistent and sufficient supply of organic waste for the BSF poses another challenge. Moreover, there is a lack of certification for BSFL as feed. Simultaneously, public perception regarding the smell around BSFL rearing areas is a prevalent concern.      

Sustainability: He also mentioned the sustainability of BSF farming. He said, BSFL can be farmed using food waste, presenting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach compared to the feed utilized in traditional livestock farming:

  • Efficiency: BSFL exhibit high efficiency in converting organic waste into edible material, surpassing traditional livestock.
  • Resource Requirements: They demand minimal land, water, and resources for breeding and rearing.
  • Environmental Impact: BSFL farming produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional livestock rearing.
  • Nutritional Value: BSFL are rich in protein, calcium, iron, and fats, making them suitable for various feeds and foods.
  • Versatility: BSFL can be utilized in animal feed, pet food, and human food products.
  • Ethical Farming: BSF larvae farming is straightforward, and the overall farming process is more ethical.
  • Organic Waste Recycling: Recycling organic waste through BSFL is a sustainable and cost-effective process that promotes resource recovery, generating nutrient-rich maggots and frass.

Session Discussion:  After the presentation, the participants provided feedback and expressed concerns about BSF farming. Mr. Ripon Kr. Pal, District Fisheries Officer, Mymensingh, addressed the audience, stating, “We are aware that there is no government subsidy in the fisheries sector. The cost of fish farming, including food and other supplementary products, is increasing day by day, but the farmers are managing it themselves. In light of this, the research paper presented at today’s workshop reveals that black soldier fly larvae could serve as an alternative to traditional fish food. This is promising news for the fish farming industry. I will inform all Upazila Fisheries Officers to expedite the replication of this method among farmers in their respective Upazilas as soon as possible.

Furthermore, Md. Fazlur Rahaman, Director of GRAMAUS in Mymensingh, emphasized that many fish farmers in the Mymensingh region have abandoned fish farming due to increased fish feed prices. He suggested that the promotion of black soldier fly farming could revive interest among farmers in engaging in fish farming once again.

Dr Md. Ali Reza, Head of the Department of Aquaculture at BAU, Mymensingh, expressed concern, stating that the increasing cost of fish food poses a challenge for farmers, as they are not receiving proportionate prices for their fish. He emphasized the necessity for innovative alternatives to address this issue. The research presented today on the black soldier fly confirms that the larvae of this fly can serve as a safe and viable alternative feed for fish.

Furthermore, Dr. Md. Masum Ahemed, Professor in the Entomology Department at BAU, Mymensingh, mentioned that the university is actively engaged in entomology. The innovative work being done, as highlighted by Professor Dr. Md. Abdus Salam, aligns with the department’s goals. He expressed gratitude and thanks to all those involved on behalf of the department.

Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Sadder, Head of the Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics at BAU, Mymensingh, highlighted the escalating costs of fish farming and the simultaneous decline in dietary protein availability. He noted from today’s report that black soldier fly larvae exhibit high levels of protein, which is a positive aspect in addressing the current challenges in fish farming.

Dr Bapon Dey, Head of the Department of Poultry Science at BAU, Mymensingh, expressed his perspective, stating, “Coming from the poultry sector, upon reviewing the report, I believe that, in addition to its application in fish farming, black soldier fly could emerge as a crucial substitute for soybeans in poultry. I also believe that research of this nature should be conducted more extensively.”

Dr. Muhamod Mehedi Hasan, Head of the Department of Fisheries Technology (FT) at BAU, Mymensingh, emphasized the need for additional research to determine the impact of using black soldier fly larvae on the growth of carp fish and catfish when used as food.

Dr Johir Rayhan, Proprietor of Niharika Fisheries & Hatchery Private Ltd, lauded the innovative initiative for the Mymensingh region. He suggested that BAU, Mymensingh, BFRI, the Department of Fisheries, GRAMAUS, and other Non-Governmental Organizations should take a leading role in scaling up black soldier fly farming to sustain commercial fisheries in the region.

Mr Mahabubul Hasan (Shaheen), a Freelancing Consultant on Feed Meal in the Fish Sector in Bangladesh, pointed out that the cost of good-quality fish feed has increased by BDT 100-200 per kg in the last year, posing a significant obstacle to fish farming. He believes that if black soldier fly larvae can be produced in sufficient quantities, it could play a crucial role in addressing such food-related challenges.

Dr. AKM Nowshad Alom, Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, commended the study as excellent. On behalf of the faculty, he expressed thanks and gratitude to Professor Dr. Md. Abdus Salam, GRAMAUS, and PKSF for implementing this innovative activity. He pledged the Faculty of Fisheries’ full support to facilitate its success.

Conclusion: At the conclusion of the workshop, the chairperson stated that the adult black soldier fly is typically not considered a pest. Given that the larvae have demonstrated effective manure recycling capabilities, the proposed “Black Soldier Fly Manure Management System” aims not only to reduce livestock waste but also to create a food source for fish and other animals. In summary, it is evident that BSF can be considered a viable alternative food for fish and a valuable ingredient in organic fertilizers.

News & Events

Nutrition Campaign to Empower and Educate Citizens

On September 7, 2023, the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) organized a nutrition campaign in collaboration with the partner organization, Proyas Manobik Unnayan Society, in Chapainawabganj.

The campaign was designed to engage the community through a set of diverse activities, including live food demonstrations, a rally, Gombhira songs, drama, open discussions, and a quiz competition. Approximately 600 people, including students and youths, participated in the campaign.

RMTP’s nutrition campaign serves as a commendable initiative, not only empowering and educating citizens but also reinforcing the significance of a well-balanced diet, hygiene practices, and safe food handling methods in enhancing the overall well-being of the community.

Ms Mariel Zemarmeal, Programme Officer at IFAD Bangladesh; Dr Akond Md. Rafiqul Islam, Project Coordinator of RMTP, PKSF; Ms Farhana Urmee, Communications Advisor of IFAD Bangladesh; the Executive Director of PROYAS; officers from the district civil surgeon’s office; officers from the district food safety authority; and PMU officials of RMTP also attended the event.

News & Events

Associate Vice President of IFAD expressed his satisfaction over the activities of RMTP

On August 22, 2023, Dr. Donald Brown, the Associate Vice President of IFAD, visited the activities of RMTP at PKSF’s PO ESDOs field in the Thakurgaon district. During his visit, he visited several activities of the project such as transformation of milk into cheese, the processing of grass into silage, and the production and marketing of safe vegetables. Dr. Brown expressed his admiration for the remarkable progress achieved by the project. Accompanying him on this visit were Mr. Md. Fazlul Kader, Additional Managing Director of PKSF, Dr. Arnoud Hameleers, Country Director of IFAD Bangladesh Office, Dr. Akand Md. Rafiqul Islam, Senior General Manager of PKSF, and Dr. Md. Shahid Uz Zaman, Executive Director of ESDO.

News & Events

Farm mechanization & modernization technology introduced at field level

RMTP is promoting the adoption of farm mechanization and modernization technologies for livestock, poultry, horticulture, and fisheries producers. Through strategic partnerships with leading private sector entities like BRAC, Trade Global Limited, ACI, NARISH, Kazi and Kazi, and Aftab, the project ensures convenient access to technical and technological support at the farmers’ doorsteps. This initiative aims to enhance productivity and efficiency while minimizing costs for farmers, reflecting RMTP’s commitment to leverage private sector expertise for agricultural advancement.

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RMTP implements GGAP and HACCP protocols to ensure food safety

The Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) has introduced Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) protocols in the agricultural production and agro-processing sectors. The project has conducted three Training of Trainers (ToT) courses for university teachers, LSPs, selected government officials, and lead farmers. With the successful completion of these courses, expert trainers are now providing comprehensive training to project participants. So far, 11,416 farmers have benefited from this initiative, highlighting RMTP’s unwavering commitment to improving food safety standards at the farmer level.

News & Events

IFAD Implementation Support Mission evaluated RMTP as satisfactory

An Implementation Support Mission (ISM) of IFAD expressed its satisfaction over the progress of the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP). The ISM was conducted from 7 May to 18 May 2023.

The kick-off meeting of the mission was held on 8 May 2023, chaired by Dr Akand Md Rafiqul Islam, Senior General Manager of PKSF and Project Coordinator of the RMTP project. During the meeting, the PMU of the RMTP gave a detailed presentation on the project. Additionally, the ISM team visited various value chain and microenterprise activities in Barishal and Patuakhali districts from 9 to 11 May 2023. They thoroughly reviewed the progress of different value chain interventions and assessed cross-cutting activities including gender, environmental sustainability, nutrition, and the overall sustainability of the value chain interventions under the project.

The ISM team expressed satisfaction over the field interventions and the utilization of various technologies in the value chain interventions. The team also provided the necessary recommendations.

The wrap-up meeting of the mission was held on 18 May 2023 at PKSF Bhaban, chaired by Md Fazlul Kader, Additional Managing Director of PKSF. PKSF’s Senior GM and PC of RMTP Dr Akand Md Rafiqul Islam and IFAD’s Country Director for Bangladesh Dr Arnoud Hameleers, and other officials from IFAD and RMTP also attended the meeting.

Mission Leader Dewan A H Alamgir shared the findings and recommendations of the mission. He highly lauded the successful interventions of the project including semi-intensive fish culture, the use of IoT in fish farming, black soldier fly for alternative fish feed, vermicompost production, and the development of different processed products in the dairy, meat, and fish sectors. Moreover, the mission emphasized the importance of proper documentation of the project’s successes and the timely implementation of all cross-cutting issues.

Md Fazlul Kader, AMD of PKSF congratulated the PMU for the overall achievements of the RMTP project and emphasized the documentation of the best practices of the project.

News & Events

ToT on Global GAP-Poultry Standard organized

A three-day long training titled on Global GAP-Poultry Standard was recently organized at Dhaka for Veterinary Practitioners. This is the first-ever initiative in Bangladesh under Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP), supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), and the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), to ensure safe meat and egg for the consumers.

PKSF and Biotech Masroom organized the program which was held from February 12th to 14th. Attending the event were 25 participants led by trainers Dr. Md. Arif Mahmud, Basetchana Francina Thabane and Dr. Susita. They discussed topics such as broiler chicken rearing, safe poultry farm construction, safe feed and water management, and food safety.

At the closing ceremony, Dr. Akand Md. Rafiqul Islam, Senior General Manager of PKSF and Project Coordinator of the RMTP Project, expressed the importance of providing training on good agricultural practices in Bangladesh to ensure safe food. According to him, it is only when food is safe that a nation can be strong and well-nourished.

Trainer Mahmud echoed his sentiments, adding that through this kind of training, the country’s farmers can be encouraged to produce safe poultry products and raise chickens even at a marginal level with proper guidance and education on good agricultural practices.

News & Events

Denmark Ambassador to Bangladesh visits tulip garden in Tetulia

Denmark Ambassador to Bangladesh H.E. Winnie Estrup Petersen visited a tulip garden at Tetulia in Panchagarh on 13 February 2023. Twenty flower growers of Dorjipara village welcomed the Ambassador with tulip flowers. IFAD Country Director of Bangladesh Arnoud Hameleers, PKSF Senior General Manager and Project Coordinator of RMTP Dr Akond Md Rafiqul Islam, ESDO Executive Director Dr Md Shahid Uz Zaman, and Tetulia Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Sohag Chandra Saha accompanied Ambassador Petersen during the visit.

Ambassador Petersen said, “I am delighted to see the tulip cultivation in Bangladesh. These kinds of flowers usually grow in countries with cold climates. I appreciated the farmers and the initiators for growing tulip in this remote area of Bangladesh. I hope that in the future they will expand the tulip cultivation and make it a profitable venture.”

Ambassador Petersen was delighted to learn that a tulip variety was named as Denmark Variety. She highly commended the efforts of the tulip growers, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), and the latter’s Partner Organization Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) through which a sub-project titled ‘Assess the feasibility of expanding tulip cultivation in the northern part of the country’ is being implemented.

IFAD Country Director Arnoud Hameleers spoke with the female flower growers. “I am amazed to see the tulip here in Dorjipara. I feel as if I am in my own home,” said the Dutch-born development leader. “Tulip can be a special flower for special day celebrations in Bangladesh. Tulip can strengthen the bond between Netherlands and Bangladesh friendship,” he added.

On 11 January 2023, the 20 farmers collectively sowed 1,00,000 tulip bulbs for cultivation on two acres of land. Last year, eight female farmers were engaged in tulip cultivation and they used 40,000 bulbs on 40 decimals of land in three separate places.

This season, the farmers planted 10 tulip varieties – Antarctica (white), Denmark (orange), Lalibela (red), Dutch Sunrise (yellow), Strong Gold (yellow), Zantupink (pink), White Marvel (white), Mystic van Eijk (pink), Happy Generation (white-red), and Golden Ticket (yellow).

Bengali media report on this event: 

News & Events

Signing of MoU for the Expansion of Artificial Insemination Services for Buffalo, Sheep, and Goats

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to increase milk and meat production by providing artificial insemination services for buffaloes, sheep, and goats across the country. The MoU was signed by representatives from the Palli KarmaSahayak Foundation (PKSF) and the BRAC Artificial Insemination Enterprise in Dhaka.

Under the agreement, the project will establish a supply chain network of quality frozen semen in 185 unions of 36 Upazilas, with the goal of enhancing animal productivity and reproductive capacity by providing artificial insemination services for livestock farmers.



At the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing event, the Assistant General Manager of the Programme of (PKSF), Mr. Habibur Rahman, the Sector Value Chain Specialist, Dr. ASM Niaz Mahmood, the Deputy General Manager of BRAC, Dr. Farukhul Islam, and representatives from eight Partner Organizations of PKSF were present. 


Habibur Rahman stated at the meeting that PKSF is collaborating with the government to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their main objective is to ensure safe and nutritious food and eradicate poverty. The Rural Micro Enterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) aims to extend the financial services of microenterprises to increase the income, food security, and nutrition status of marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, and other market actors involved in value chain interventions of agricultural products. He also mentioned that BRAC Artificial Insemination Enterprise may play a significant role in the dairy and meat production sector across the country by offering highquality frozen buffalo, sheep, and goat semen at a reasonable price.

News & Events

PKSF Launches ‘RMTP-Project’ to Boost Microenterprise Sector

As a major boost to Bangladesh’s microenterprise sector, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), an apex development agency of the country, has floated a new project titled ‘Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)’. The six-year project, jointly financed by PKSF, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), was launched on 23 August 2020.

Mr Md Ashadul Islam, Senior Secretary of the Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance was the Chief Guest at the RMTP’s virtual launching ceremony presided over by PKSF Chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad. Mr Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah, Managing Director of PKSF, delivered the welcome remarks, and Deputy Managing Director Mr Md Fazlul Kader presented on the different aspects of the project. HE Ms Winnie Estrup Petersen, Ambassador of the Royal Danish Embassy to Bangladesh, and IFAD’s Country Director Mr Omer Zafar attended the meeting as the Guests of Honor. Besides, members of PKSF’s Governing Body and officials of PKSF and its Partner Organizations (POs) exchanged views at the event where they stressed on the need for proper implementation of the project for effective expansion of the country’s microenterprise sector. 

Describing the RMTP as a time-befitting project, Senior Secretary Mr Md Ashadul Islam said that development of microenterprises is crucial for the country’s overall economy. Ensuring adequate financing for marginal producers and micro-entrepreneurs is a big challenge and this project, which goes in line with the government’s development strategy, will help address this challenge, he commented. Terming PKSF ‘an iconic institution’ in development operations in Bangladesh, the Senior Secretary said PKSF’s POs have proven efficiency in implementing similar projects like the RMTP. He also hoped that this project will help ensure sustainable expansion of marginal microenterprises.

Highlighting Denmark’s experience in working in Bangladesh as a development partner, Danish Ambassador Ms Winnie Estrup Petersen said supporting small farmers to increase agricultural productivity and output have positive impacts on household income growth, poverty reduction and food security. “The RMTP supports marginal and small farmers, farmer groups, micro-entrepreneurs and agri-businesses to improve their operation and develop commercially beneficial linkages within selective commodity value chains. The RMTP will combine financial and non-financial services to create the best possible impact to enhance incomes and reduce poverty,” she noted.

Mr Omer Zafar, Country Director of IFAD said, “IFAD is delighted to invest in this project with its trusted partners PKSF and DANIDA. The RMTP will strengthen the rural microenterprise sector by applying a value chain approach bringing together all actors – micro-entrepreneurs, input suppliers, technical services, microfinance institutions, non-banking financial institutions, agribusinesses, processors, wholesalers and retailers. Investments will focus on nutritious high value horticulture, livestock, and aquaculture commodities complying with food quality and safety standards, as well as non-farm products and services. A transactional and informational digital platform will also be developed to seamlessly link supply chain stakeholders. The RMTP will generate multiple social, nutritional, financial, economic and institutional benefits for some 450,000 microenterprises representing two million rural women, men and youth, and will create productive jobs for many more.”

PKSF Chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad said that Bangladesh’s economy is still largely rural and agriculture-based, and 80 percent people are working in the informal sector. To transform this, appropriate financing along with technology transfer, training, market expansion, and forward and backward linkages are required, he commented. The eminent economist further said that the rural people won’t need to migrate elsewhere for work if appropriate employment opportunities through microenterprises can be generated in their areas. Referring to the March 7 speech of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Dr QK Ahmad said PKSF’s operations in the grassroots are helping ensure the socio-economic emancipation of people as enunciated in the historic speech. He thanked the IFAD and the DANIDA for financing the project.

In the welcome speech, PKSF Managing Director Mr Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah said that PKSF has been implementing the Microenterprise Program since 2001 as one of its core programs to expedite poverty reduction by creating self and wage employments. He remarked that the RMTP would accelerate poverty alleviation by expanding microenterprise activities in the agricultural sector. Along with financial services, the project will provide various technical and technological support to micro-entrepreneurs, he noted.

In his presentation on the new project, PKSF Deputy Managing Director Mr Md Fazlul Kader said that value chain development, financial services, and institutional capacity development support will be provided for the promotion of agricultural products under three major farm sectors — livestock and poultry, crops and horticulture, and fisheries and aquaculture. He informed that the total fund of the project, which will directly benefit 0.45 million micro-entrepreneurs across the country, stands at $200 million, in which IFAD’s contribution is $81 million and DANIDA will provide $8.30 million. PKSF, its POs concerned, non-bank financial institutions, entrepreneurs and private sector organizations will join hands to accumulate the rest of the fund. This new project will use different innovative technologies to further widen the scope of agricultural activities. Apart from initiating farming activities based on Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the project will adopt Blockchain technology to ensure more transparency in the management of financial services. A crowdfunding platform will be launched to create opportunities for equity financing for the microenterprises, he informed.

Mr Kader also highlighted the project’s key focus areas which include production and market expansion of safe agricultural produce and improvement of the nutritional status of the producers and the consumers alike. The project will provide support for the production of agro-products in compliance with the Global Good Agricultural Practices (GGAP) and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) protocols. Traceability and certification of agricultural products will be introduced for the branding of agricultural products. Cultivation of different high-value fruits and crops such as avocado, mangosteen, dragon fruit, coffee beans, Barhi dates, hazelnut, cashew nut etc will be introduced to increase productivity and income of the farmers.

Prior to the RMTP, PKSF undertook four projects with the financial support of IFAD — Microfinance and Technical Support Project (MFTSP), Microfinance for Marginal and Small Farmers Project (MFMSFP), Finance for Enterprise Development and Employment Creation (FEDEC) and the ongoing Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project.

Participating in the discussion, the representatives of PKSF’s POs expressed their enthusiasm to implement the RMTP under the supervision of PKSF. They mentioned that they were fully capable of attaining the goal and objectives of the RMTP, as they already had substantial experience in taking part in the implementation of previous projects such as PACE. Lauding PKSF’s transparent and efficient management in project implementation, they expressed their hope that the POs, guided by PKSF, will be able to implement all field activities smoothly of this multi-faceted project for microenterprise development that includes financial services, business cluster-based value chain development, innovative technologies like blockchain, e-commerce, crowdfunding platform, branding, market expansion, traceability and certification of the products of microenterprises.