Fisheries and Aquaculture:

Bangladesh has a unique position in the sub-tropical region, within the delta of three great rivers, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra (and Jamuna) and the Meghna covering an area of 14.4 million ha. In view of this important river system, inland fisheries and aquaculture are prime contributors to food security and employment.  A total of 19.5 million including 1.4 million women are engaged in fisheries sector (directly & indirectly) in Bangladesh. The fisheries sector is currently contributing -3.57 percent  to the GDP and 26.50 percent to Agricultural GDP  . Fish provide  60 percent of animal protein intake in Bangladesh (Source:Yearbook of Fisheries Statistics of Bangladesh 2020-21).

Aquaculture development has been strongly promoted by both the public and private sector in an attempt to meet the need of fish for food for the country’s population of approximately 156 million. Annual production reached the level of  4.62 million tonnes in 2020-21, with 85.26 percent originating from freshwater (both capture & culture) and 14.74 percent from marine water. The production is dominated by finfish (95 percent) mainly carps, which provide inexpensive fish for domestic consumption. Another 5 percent of the total production is farmed shrimp destined mostly for export market (Matshya Sankalon 2022).

In, the estimated value of imports of fish and fishery products was USD 27.5 million, with fishmeal as the main product imported (31 percent of the total value). Inthe fiscal year  2020-21, exports of fish and fishery products were estimated at 4088.96 crore taka ( 1.24% of total national export) by exporting 76591.69 MT, with shrimps and prawns as the main species exported (72 percent of the value). The per caput annual consumption of fish was estimated at 22.84 kg (62.58 gm/day/person)  (BBS 2016), but this figure varies according to status, with poorer families and women and children consuming less fish per capita than the national average.

PKSF, IFAD and DANIDA supported RMTP project is implementing twenty value chain sub-projects on “Safe Fish & Fish products production and Marketing” under fisheries and aquaculture sector. Through these sub-projects, various activities is undertaken to increase the productivity and income of fish farmers, small entrepreneurs and other value chain actors. Under these sub-projects, 20 partner organizations (POs) will provide technical, technological product development and marketing support to 1,23,0000 fish producers, entrepreneurs, traders and other market actors involved in fisheries sectors in 73 upazilas of 22 districts for the next three years.