Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)

In the 1980s, the Government of Bangladesh felt the need to establish a specialized institution for poverty alleviation through employment generation. After years-long discussions with development partners, different ministries and top development experts, the GoB finally decided to found Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). This apex development organization formally came into being on 13 November 1989, after the President of Bangladesh approved the proposal. Ever since, PKSF has been working relentlessly to fight poverty and improve lives across the country. 

Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) is being implemented by PKSF with the joint financing of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and DANIDA. The project is working to extend the financial services of microenterprises as well as to improve the income, food security, and nutrition status of small and marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, and other market actors involved in the value chains of selected high-value agricultural products. The project is implementing value chain development activities to expand the markets for comparative advantage, market demand, and growth of agro-based products. There are provisions for product processing, certification, and marketing by brand image creation in the country and abroad through this project. Also, there are provisions to introduce various new technologies, and methods such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Block Chain, Crowd Funding Platform under this project for poverty alleviation. PKSF, IFAD, DANIDA, POs and various private sectors are jointly financing for this 6 years project. To implement the RMTP, a financing agreement was signed between the Government of Bangladesh and the IFAD on 3 December 2019. Subsequently, a Subsidiary Loan and Grant Agreement (SLGA) was signed between the Finance Division of Ministry of Finance and PKSF on 2 January 2020.

The project goal is to sustainably increase the income, food security and nutrition of marginal and small farmers, and micro-entrepreneurs across selected value chains.

The development objective is the sustainable growth of selected rural commodity value chains with comparative advantage, market demand, growth potential, and backward linkages to small farmers and micro-entrepreneurs.

The project interventions primarily target (i) the poor, (ii) the transitional poor, and (iii) the enterprising poor. An estimated 445,000 households will be direct participants of the project, of which 100,000 are microenterprise borrowers and the other 345,000 will benefit from value chain development activities.

Project Duration: Six years (2020-2025)

Financed by:  IFAD, DANIDA, PKSF, PO and Others

Fund: 200 millions USD, IFAD:
81 millions USD DANIDA: 8.30 Millions USD PKSF and others: 110.70 millions USD

Project Area: The project has a national mandate and will invest throughout Bangladesh. Specific focus areas will be selected based on poverty incidence, economic opportunity, implementability, and complementarily with ongoing investments in agricultural value chain development.