
‘RMTP Badsha’ Goes Viral on Social Media During Eid-ul-Azha

Saiful Islam, inhabitant of Dhakaya Para village in Auliapur union of sadar upazila in Thakurgaon district, boughtRMTP Badsha heifer after training on cow rearing in 2021 throughMarket Expansion of Safe Meat and Dairy Products value chain subproject of IFAD and PKSFfunded Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) implemented by ESDO.

Saiful stated,I did not use any unsafe medicine to fattenRMTP Badsha‘, Instead, I fed the animal safe food including Hay, Molasses, Grain, Wheat Shell, Corn, and Rice Husk.”


North Bengal‘s finest bullRMTP Badsha has been prepared to sacrifice for EidulAzha after one year and two months of nurturing. The age of the cow is two years and six months, weight 1,200 kg and standing 10 feet long and 6 feet high.RMTP Badsha holds a price of Taka 12 lakh, drawing in people from different classes and professions to his house everyday to see the bull.


Saiful Islam stated,I borrowed 2.5 lakh BDT in 2021 from ESDO for cow fattening and started a farm. Now, there are eight bulls at my farm, andRMTP Badsha is the best of them all.”


Under the livestock sector, the RMTP project is supporting 200,468 households through farm mechanization, technology transfer, certification, branding, and marketing.

Details in the news link:

News & Events

Signing of MoU for the Expansion of Artificial Insemination Services for Buffalo, Sheep, and Goats

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to increase milk and meat production by providing artificial insemination services for buffaloes, sheep, and goats across the country. The MoU was signed by representatives from the Palli KarmaSahayak Foundation (PKSF) and the BRAC Artificial Insemination Enterprise in Dhaka.

Under the agreement, the project will establish a supply chain network of quality frozen semen in 185 unions of 36 Upazilas, with the goal of enhancing animal productivity and reproductive capacity by providing artificial insemination services for livestock farmers.



At the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing event, the Assistant General Manager of the Programme of (PKSF), Mr. Habibur Rahman, the Sector Value Chain Specialist, Dr. ASM Niaz Mahmood, the Deputy General Manager of BRAC, Dr. Farukhul Islam, and representatives from eight Partner Organizations of PKSF were present. 


Habibur Rahman stated at the meeting that PKSF is collaborating with the government to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their main objective is to ensure safe and nutritious food and eradicate poverty. The Rural Micro Enterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) aims to extend the financial services of microenterprises to increase the income, food security, and nutrition status of marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, and other market actors involved in value chain interventions of agricultural products. He also mentioned that BRAC Artificial Insemination Enterprise may play a significant role in the dairy and meat production sector across the country by offering highquality frozen buffalo, sheep, and goat semen at a reasonable price.

News & Events

PKSF Launches ‘RMTP-Project’ to Boost Microenterprise Sector

As a major boost to Bangladesh’s microenterprise sector, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), an apex development agency of the country, has floated a new project titled ‘Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)’. The six-year project, jointly financed by PKSF, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), was launched on 23 August 2020.

Mr Md Ashadul Islam, Senior Secretary of the Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance was the Chief Guest at the RMTP’s virtual launching ceremony presided over by PKSF Chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad. Mr Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah, Managing Director of PKSF, delivered the welcome remarks, and Deputy Managing Director Mr Md Fazlul Kader presented on the different aspects of the project. HE Ms Winnie Estrup Petersen, Ambassador of the Royal Danish Embassy to Bangladesh, and IFAD’s Country Director Mr Omer Zafar attended the meeting as the Guests of Honor. Besides, members of PKSF’s Governing Body and officials of PKSF and its Partner Organizations (POs) exchanged views at the event where they stressed on the need for proper implementation of the project for effective expansion of the country’s microenterprise sector. 

Describing the RMTP as a time-befitting project, Senior Secretary Mr Md Ashadul Islam said that development of microenterprises is crucial for the country’s overall economy. Ensuring adequate financing for marginal producers and micro-entrepreneurs is a big challenge and this project, which goes in line with the government’s development strategy, will help address this challenge, he commented. Terming PKSF ‘an iconic institution’ in development operations in Bangladesh, the Senior Secretary said PKSF’s POs have proven efficiency in implementing similar projects like the RMTP. He also hoped that this project will help ensure sustainable expansion of marginal microenterprises.

Highlighting Denmark’s experience in working in Bangladesh as a development partner, Danish Ambassador Ms Winnie Estrup Petersen said supporting small farmers to increase agricultural productivity and output have positive impacts on household income growth, poverty reduction and food security. “The RMTP supports marginal and small farmers, farmer groups, micro-entrepreneurs and agri-businesses to improve their operation and develop commercially beneficial linkages within selective commodity value chains. The RMTP will combine financial and non-financial services to create the best possible impact to enhance incomes and reduce poverty,” she noted.

Mr Omer Zafar, Country Director of IFAD said, “IFAD is delighted to invest in this project with its trusted partners PKSF and DANIDA. The RMTP will strengthen the rural microenterprise sector by applying a value chain approach bringing together all actors – micro-entrepreneurs, input suppliers, technical services, microfinance institutions, non-banking financial institutions, agribusinesses, processors, wholesalers and retailers. Investments will focus on nutritious high value horticulture, livestock, and aquaculture commodities complying with food quality and safety standards, as well as non-farm products and services. A transactional and informational digital platform will also be developed to seamlessly link supply chain stakeholders. The RMTP will generate multiple social, nutritional, financial, economic and institutional benefits for some 450,000 microenterprises representing two million rural women, men and youth, and will create productive jobs for many more.”

PKSF Chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad said that Bangladesh’s economy is still largely rural and agriculture-based, and 80 percent people are working in the informal sector. To transform this, appropriate financing along with technology transfer, training, market expansion, and forward and backward linkages are required, he commented. The eminent economist further said that the rural people won’t need to migrate elsewhere for work if appropriate employment opportunities through microenterprises can be generated in their areas. Referring to the March 7 speech of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Dr QK Ahmad said PKSF’s operations in the grassroots are helping ensure the socio-economic emancipation of people as enunciated in the historic speech. He thanked the IFAD and the DANIDA for financing the project.

In the welcome speech, PKSF Managing Director Mr Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah said that PKSF has been implementing the Microenterprise Program since 2001 as one of its core programs to expedite poverty reduction by creating self and wage employments. He remarked that the RMTP would accelerate poverty alleviation by expanding microenterprise activities in the agricultural sector. Along with financial services, the project will provide various technical and technological support to micro-entrepreneurs, he noted.

In his presentation on the new project, PKSF Deputy Managing Director Mr Md Fazlul Kader said that value chain development, financial services, and institutional capacity development support will be provided for the promotion of agricultural products under three major farm sectors — livestock and poultry, crops and horticulture, and fisheries and aquaculture. He informed that the total fund of the project, which will directly benefit 0.45 million micro-entrepreneurs across the country, stands at $200 million, in which IFAD’s contribution is $81 million and DANIDA will provide $8.30 million. PKSF, its POs concerned, non-bank financial institutions, entrepreneurs and private sector organizations will join hands to accumulate the rest of the fund. This new project will use different innovative technologies to further widen the scope of agricultural activities. Apart from initiating farming activities based on Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the project will adopt Blockchain technology to ensure more transparency in the management of financial services. A crowdfunding platform will be launched to create opportunities for equity financing for the microenterprises, he informed.

Mr Kader also highlighted the project’s key focus areas which include production and market expansion of safe agricultural produce and improvement of the nutritional status of the producers and the consumers alike. The project will provide support for the production of agro-products in compliance with the Global Good Agricultural Practices (GGAP) and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) protocols. Traceability and certification of agricultural products will be introduced for the branding of agricultural products. Cultivation of different high-value fruits and crops such as avocado, mangosteen, dragon fruit, coffee beans, Barhi dates, hazelnut, cashew nut etc will be introduced to increase productivity and income of the farmers.

Prior to the RMTP, PKSF undertook four projects with the financial support of IFAD — Microfinance and Technical Support Project (MFTSP), Microfinance for Marginal and Small Farmers Project (MFMSFP), Finance for Enterprise Development and Employment Creation (FEDEC) and the ongoing Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project.

Participating in the discussion, the representatives of PKSF’s POs expressed their enthusiasm to implement the RMTP under the supervision of PKSF. They mentioned that they were fully capable of attaining the goal and objectives of the RMTP, as they already had substantial experience in taking part in the implementation of previous projects such as PACE. Lauding PKSF’s transparent and efficient management in project implementation, they expressed their hope that the POs, guided by PKSF, will be able to implement all field activities smoothly of this multi-faceted project for microenterprise development that includes financial services, business cluster-based value chain development, innovative technologies like blockchain, e-commerce, crowdfunding platform, branding, market expansion, traceability and certification of the products of microenterprises.

News & Events

ToT on GGAP and HACCP organized

PKSF, IFAD and DANIDA supported Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) is going to introduce Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) protocols in agricultural productions and agro-processing to promote safe and nutritious food in the country. Trained experts need to be developed to attain this objective. In this regard, The Training of the Trainers course was organised on 8-10 May 2022 at ESDO training centre, Dhaka on the said topics.

The Training of the Trainers course discussed general concepts, protocols, and certification processes regarding GGAP and HACCP.  The course emphasized ensuring safe and nutritious agro-products for the consumption of people and expanding their demands in national and international markets. Globally accepted certification is a must to export agro products in international markets.    

In his inaugural speech, the Project Coordinator of RMTP Dr Akond Md. Rafiqul Islam, Senior General Manager (Programme), PKSF informed that RMTP is intervening in the value chains of high-value agricultural commodities of three major sectors viz. livestock & poultry, crops & horticulture, and fisheries & aquaculture. RMTP would focus on ensuring safe agro-products for the greater interest of protecting human health, which requires following internationally accepted production and processing procedures like GGAP and HACCP.      

A total of 20 participants from different partner organizations of PKSF, universities, and service providing organizations participated in the Training of the Trainers course. Dr Arif Mahmud and Ms Basetsana Thabane GGAP and HACCP specialists conducted the sessions in the training course. 

News & Events

MoU Signing on farm mechanization and modernization of the processing sector

A memorandum of understanding was signed in Dhaka on Saturday between the eight POs of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and Trade Global Limited for increasing the production of animal products and reducing production costs to make it a profitable sector. The main objective of the agreement is to transform the related businesses into profitable businesses through the development of sales and service centers in 36 Upazilas of 12 districts in the area of PKSF’s Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) through the modernization of the farm mechanization, dairy and meat processing sector at the village level.


At the MoU signing event, Dr. SM Niaz Mahmud, Sector Value Chain Specialist (Livestock) of PKSF, Managing Director of Trade Global Limited Golam Rabbani and Executive Director Mr. AQM Shafiqur Rauf, and the Executive Heads of eight POs of PKSF.

SM Niaz Mahmood said at the meeting that we are collaborating with the government to address the SDGs’. Our main goal is to ensure safe and nutritious food and eradicate poverty. Rural Micro Enterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) aims to extend the financial services of microenterprises to increase the income, food security, and nutrition status of marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, and other market actors involved in value chain interventions of agricultural products. And with this initiative, Trade Global Limited will provide modern technology products for farm mechanization at affordable prices to small entrepreneurs.

RMTP project is implementing eight value chain sub-projects on “Market system development of safe meat and dairy products” in the livestock sector. 


News & Events

Project participant selection through KoBo App

The RMTP is currently implementing 65 value chain sub-projects across the country. In order to select project participants effectively and appropriately, data are being collected through the project-implementing POs using KoBo Toolbox. The project participants are chosen from diverse segments of society, including men, women, youths, socially excluded individuals, extremely poor, poor, transitional poor and enterprising poor. The data gathered through KoBo can be utilized to track the individual progress of participants throughout the project’s lifecycle.